Reasons behind damaged Hair and how to avoid Hair Damage?
Hair always gets attention especially if we talk about hairstyling and haircut. But we see many people with rough and damaged hair that doesn’t look nice at all and we never want our hair to look like that. Everyone wonders why their hair are damaging but they don’t know the actual reason. There may be a lot of reasons for hair damage and how to avoid hair damage that we are going to discuss in this blog. But first, have a look at this picture before we move on to the reasons.

Does it look good? Obviously not, a big “NO” from me. In fact no one likes damaged hair. There are so many complications with damaged hair, like, you may not be able to comb your hair, you cannot give them a good look even shampooing doesn’t help your damaged hair look good. Let’s move to the reasons why your your hair gets damaged and how to avoid them.
How to avoid Hair Damage
1. Diet
Diet is always responsible for the whole body including hair, skin and even the nails. You may not know which nutrients do you actually need for hair. So, let me tell you that you need to get sufficient amount of zinc, iron and folic acid in your daily diet. These nutrients can be found in spinach, meat, liver, pumpkin seeds, nuts, eggs, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, such as cabbage, kale, spring greens and spinach. These foods can help your hair get strengthen and smooth.
2. Stress
Stress has serious effects on your health and there are many evidence that stress and hair loss has a link in between them. Stress can cause hair fall, hair breakage, and other problems related to hair. It is recommended to manage your stress not just for hair but for your health as a whole.
3. Dryness
Hair damage can also be caused by dryness. Dry hair is one of the major reasons behind the hair damage. Dryness can be caused by dry weather or low humidity. It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water on daily basis and do not rub your hair with shampoo.
4. Inappropriate brushing and combing
We do not care much while brushing and combing. All we care is about a perfect hairstyle and in the meantime we forget that we are somehow damaging our hair. We recommend you to brush your hair gently and use wide-tooth combs to avoid hair breakage.
5. Over-washing
Over washing is the most common cause of hair damage. The natural oil of skin may exceed from the normal and you will need to wash your hair more often. Washing your hair on daily basis is good but doing it over and over all the day is can cause damage. We suggest you to avoid over washing your hair.
6. Improper towel drying
Usually we do not care much while drying our hair which can definitely damage your hair. Do not rub your hair with towel, instead dry them gently by applying towel straight from the top to bottom. This will somehow help your hair become straight and smooth.
7. Improper towel drying
Usually we do not care much while drying our hair which can definitely damage your hair. Do not rub your hair with towel, instead dry them gently by applying towel straight from the top to bottom. This will somehow help your hair become straight and smooth. That’s how you can avoid hair damage.
Expert’s Suggestion:
- Do not pull your hair back tightly.
- Use covered rubber bands to avoid hair damage.
- Do not brush your hair more often, two or three times would enough.
- Try out hairstyle that doesn’t require pulling back your hair.
- Wash your hair on daily basis, but not twice or thrice a day.
- Eat balanced diet and get sufficient amount of iron, zinc and folic acid.
When to see a clinic?
If you feel your hair condition is getting worse day by day and shampoo is not helping you in any way, then you may need to get hair treatment from professional experts. If you feel that your scalp has some problem then you may also need to visit a dermatologist for proper skin treatment. The sooner you find out the root cause, the better the results will be.
Visit Moshaz Beauty Salon for best hair treatment.
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